Persian - Title Image by Sage
Cats are not as aloof as are generally considered, rather they are excellent pets. They are brilliant learners if groomed and trained properly. They can easily mingle with the children and family because they are naturally playful and acrobatic. They have tremendous features as far as their body appearances are concerned. They have amusing sounds which attract the children specially. They are extremely loyal to the humans since they have made their social adjustment with them on the lovely planet. With receiving a little attention, they repatriate with lot of love and affection towards their owners. They are meticulous about grooming themselves. They are happy just being near you.
The breeding of cats with the domestic breeds and domestic/wild hybrids has resulted many stunning and gorgeous new cat breeds. Here is the list of 50 top, best and the most popular cat breeds of the world along with their magnificent images. We have also mentioned some significant features of these cat breeds as well for your interest.
1- The American Curl is a breed of cat characterized by its unusual ears, which curl back from the face toward the center of the back of the skull. The American Curl, while still an uncommon breed, is found across the world in the United States, Spain, France, Japan, Russia, and many other countries. The American Curl is a medium sized cat (5–10 lbs), and does not reach maturity until 2–3 years of age. They are strong and healthy. Both longhaired and shorthaired American Curls have soft, silky coats which lie flat against their bodies.

2. The American Wirehair is a breed of domestic cat originating in upstate New York. The American Wirehair is a spontaneous mutation of the American Shorthair. The Wirehair has an even, balanced temperament which is essentially identical to that of its American Shorthair relative. Wirehairs have golden eyes, except for some white ones that have blue or amber eyes. They are gentle and quiet, but also playful and active. They have quiet voices. American Wirehairs generally prefer to stay indoors.

3. Arabian Mau is a formal breed of domestic cat, originated from the desert cat, a short-haired landrace native to the desert of the Arabian Peninsula, which lives there in the streets and has adapted very well to the extreme climate. Generally Arabian Mau cats have very loving temperaments. The main feature of this cat breed is their devotion, love and affection for the owner. This cat will always be a reliable companion of an individual that loves his cat and cares for it. Grooming is very easy, the cat does not shed so much.

4. The Asian Semi-Longhair is a cat breed similar to the Asian Shorthair except it has semi-long fur. The breed is also known by the name Tiffanie or Tiffany. The Asian Semi-longhair is spirited and expects its keeper to dedicate a lot of time to it. Asian Semi-longhairs can be very vocal and are not recommended for small apartments. The breed was developed in Britain and is not currently recognized by any U.S. Registries.

5. Bengal is a hybrid breed of domestic cat. Bengals result from crossing a domestic feline with an Asian leopard cat (ALC). Bengal cats have “wild-looking” markings, such as large spots, rosettes, and a light/white belly, and a body structure reminiscent of the leopard cat. The International Cat Association recognizes several Bengal colours (brown, seal lynx point, mink, sepia, silver) and patterns (spotted and marbled) for competition and shows. The breed usually acquires a gentle domestic cat temperament. Within brown Bengals, there are either marble or spotted markings.

6. The Birman, also called the “Sacred Cat of Burma“, is a domestic cat breed. The Birman is a long-haired, colorpointed cat distinguished by a silky coat, deep blue eyes and contrasting white “gloves” on each paw. Birmans have a medium sized, rectangular body with a broad face and distinct Roman nose. Their ears are ideally as wide on the base as they are tall and should be set as much on top of the head as on the side. The eyes are rounded and should be a deep sapphire blue. Recognized point colours are seal, chocolate, blue, lilac (a softer silver-grey), red or cream. Tabby and tortie variations in seal, chocolate, blue or lilac are also allowed; other colours are in development.

7. The British Longhair is a medium-sized, long-haired breed of domestic cat, originating in Great Britain. The coat is lustrous and physique is stout in general. The head is round, with bright circular eyes and short ears. The legs are short too, but strong. The tail is plush and thick. The chest is deep, giving the overall impression of a compact, medium-sized cat. British Longhairs are quite calm and easy going. British Longhairs make good house cats, as they are less active than many breeds and content with a sedentary, indoor life.

8. The British Shorthair is the pedigreed version of the traditional British domestic cat, with a distinctively chunky body, dense coat and broad face. The most familiar colour variant is the “British Blue“, a solid blue-gray with copper eyes, but the breed has also been developed in a wide range of other colours and patterns, including tabby and colorpoint. The breed’s good-natured appearance and relatively calm temperament make it a frequent media star. The British Shorthair is having a broad chest, strong thick-set legs with rounded paws and a medium-length, blunt-tipped tail. Unusually among domestic cats they are a noticeably sexually dimorphic breed, with males averaging 9–17 lb (4.1–7.7 kg) and females 7–12 lb (3.2–5.4 kg).

9. Burmese cat is a breed of domestic cat. Originally, all Burmese cats were dark brown (sable), but are now available in a wide variety of colours. Burmese are a small to medium size breed, tending to about 4–6 kg. Burmese are a notably people-oriented breed, maintaining their kitten-like energy and playfulness into adulthood. They are also said to have a number of overtly dog-like characteristics, forming strong bonds with their owners and gravitating toward human activity, often learning to play fetch and tag. The British or traditional ideal tends toward a more slender, long-bodied cat, while the American Burmese is a noticeably stockier cat, with a much broader head, round eyes.

10. The Burmilla is a breed of domestic cat which originated in the United Kingdom in 1981. It is a cross between the Chinchilla Persian and Burmese breeds. Burmillas are medium-sized with muscular yet elegant bodies, tending to weigh between 3–6 kg. Their distinguishing feature is their sparkling silver coat, and distinctive “make up” lining the nose, lips and eyes. Eye shape is large; placed well apart at slight oblique setting; slightly curved upper; line angeled toward the nose. Chin is firm, with good depth. The Burmilla have a variety of coat colours, including black, blue, brown, chocolate and lilac. The Burmilla is quite an irreverent and independent cat.

11. The California Spangled is a breed of domestic cat that was bred to resemble spotted wild cats, like the ocelot and leopard. They were originally bred in the 1980s and were only ever a rare breed, and usually expensive. This cat gives the initial impression of being a miniature leopard. It has a long, lean, somewhat muscular body and a low slung walk, along with spots. California Spangled Cats are said to be affectionate, social, curious, and extremely devoted to their owners.

12. The Chantilly-Tiffany or Chantilly/Tiffany, also known as the Chantilly or the Foreign Longhair, is a breed of cat derived mainly from cross-breeding long-haired Asians and Burmese. The breed originated in North America. This cat has a semi-foreign body style and a full semi-long coat. The coat is silky, soft and smooth; the lack of undercoat usually makes grooming simpler than that of cats with an undercoat. The Chantilly-Tiffany originated in a chocolate color, but now is accepted in a range of colors including chocolate, blue, cinnamon, lilac, and fawn. Accepted patterns are solid, mackerel, ticked, and spotted tabby.

13. The Chartreux is a rare breed of domestic cat from France and is recognised by a number of registries around the world. They are known for their blue (grey) water-resistant short hair double coats which are often slightly nappy in texture (often showing “breaks” like a sheepskin) and orange- or copper-colored eyes. Chartreux cats are also known for their “smile”. Chartreux cats tend to be quiet, rarely making noises such as mewing or crying, and some are mute. They are quite observant and intelligent.

14. The Chausie is a domestic breed of cat that was developed by breeding a few individuals from the nondomestic species Jungle Cat (Felis chaus) to a far greater number of domestic cats (Felis catus). Chausies are bred to be medium to large in size, as compared to traditional domestic breeds. As with all nondomestic hybrid source breeds, some Chausies may inherit intestinal tracts similar to that of the nondomestic ancestors. The kittens are often born completely black, although occasionally they may have a bit of light colored fur on the chin or neck at birth. As the kittens get older, they begin to look more and more like tabbies.

15. Colorpoint Shorthairs is the first cousin of the Siamese and the Cat Fanciers’ Association is the only registry that recognizes them as a standalone breed. The Colorpoint Shorthair is a highly intelligent, playful, and people-friendly breed. They are extremely affectionate and outgoing and enjoy lounging around and playing with people, causing them to also be described as “extroverts”.

16. The Cymric is a breed of domestic cat. The Cymric is a muscular, compact, medium to large cat with a sturdy bone structure, weighing between seven and thirteen pounds. They have a cobby body, and an unusually rounded appearance. Cymrics have large and full eyes and have widely spaced ears. Cymrics are intelligent, fun-loving cats, and they get along well with other pets, including dogs. Cymrics are very loyal to their humans and enjoy spending quality time with them.

17. The Cyprus cat is a landrace of domestic cat believed to be descended from cats of Egypt or Palestine. The Cyprus cat, a close relative of the Cyprus Longhair, is an athletic and energetic variety found throughout the island of Cyprus. This cat has adapted to different climates. The Cyprus cat is linked with the Byzantine monastery which was founded in the fourth century AD. According to Byzantine legend, St. Helen imported hundreds of cats from Egypt or Palestine in the fourth century to control venomous snakes that had infested the monastery.

18. The Devon Rex is a breed of intelligent, short-haired cat that emerged in England during the 1960s. This cat has a curly, very soft short coat similar to that of the Cornish Rex. The typical Devon is active, mischievous, playful, and very people-oriented. They are high-jumpers and will try to occupy any space large enough to admit them. They are a very intelligent breed. The Devon Rex is a faithful companion and will usually follow the object of their affection from room to room, waiting for the opportunity to leap onto their arms, lap, or shoulder.

19. The Dragon Li, also called Chinese Li Hua or simply Li Mao is a Chinese breed of domestic cat originating from nascent Chinese folklore and dynastic culture. The Dragon Li displays a unique golden brown, broken mackerel (also known as broken striped) tabby pattern, distinctive ear tipping, large round almond shaped luminescent yellow/green eyes, and a strong full bodied stature reminiscent of its wild nature. The Dragon Li is valued for its unmistakable intelligence.

20. Egyptian Maus are a small- to medium-sized short-haired cat breed. Egyptian Maus typically are slender and muscular and they are thought to be one of the progenitor breeds of the modern domestic cat. The Mau is known for having what is considered a loyal, friendly personality. Maus are more temperature sensitive than most breeds – they are fond of very warm temperatures. Egyptian Maus are a relatively rare breed. Maus come in five colors. From most to least common these colors are: silver, bronze, smoke, black and blue/pewter.

21. The European shorthair or Celtic shorthair is a breed of short-haired cat originating in Finland/Sweden. It is a recently recognised breed, established to preserve the naturally occurring cats that have lived in European villages and cities for ages. Life expectancy depends on whether the cat is outdoors or not. An outdoor cat has a life expectancy of 5 to 12 years, while an indoor cat can live up to 22 years. Members of this breed may be very affectionate but there are others that prefer to be out mousing. Most European Shorthairs are strong and active, and as a rule they are friendly. The European Shorthair is comparable to ordinary domestic European short-haired cats.

22. The Exotic Shorthair is a breed of cat developed to be a shorthaired version of the Persian. Exotic Shorthairs have a gentle and calm personality reminiscent of the Persian, but are livelier than their long-haired ancestors. Curious and playful, they are friendly to other cats and dogs. This breed does not reach maturity until around two years of age and enters puberty fairly late. Because of the regular use of Persians as outcrosses, some Exotics may carry a copy of the recessive longhair gene. When two such cats mate, there is a one in four chance of each offspring being longhaired.

23. The Havana Brown was the result of a planned breeding between Siamese and domestic black cats, by a group of cat fanciers in England, in the 1950s. The Havana Brown is a well balanced, moderately sized, muscular short-haired cat with a body of average length. The Havana Brown is an intelligent cat that often uses its paws both to examine objects and to communicate with its owners. Havana Browns become very attached to their family and do not thrive when left alone for long periods. Very little grooming is required. A gentile brushing and wipe with a damp cloth once or twice a week, along with a good quality diet, will keep your Havana Brown in top condition.

24, The Himalayan (Himalayan Persian or Colourpoint Persian) is a breed or sub-breed of long-haired cat identical in type to the Persian, with the exception of its blue eyes and its point colouration, which were derived from crossing the Persian with the Siamese. The Himalayan tends to have a round (cobby) body with short legs, which makes it harder for them to jump as high as other cats do. As with other Persians, there are two types of Himalayans, the traditional or doll-face, and the peke-faced or ultra-typed which has the more extreme squashed-looking facial features. These cats are sweet-tempered, intelligent and generally very social and good companions.

25. The Japanese Bobtail is a breed of domestic cat with an unusual “bobbed” tail more closely resembling the tail of a rabbit than that of other cats. The variety is native to Japan and Southeast Asia, though it is now found throughout the world. Generally speaking, members of the breed are active, intelligent cats, with a strongly human-oriented nature, are easier to train to perform tricks than most breeds. The Japanese Bobtail is a recognised breed by all major registering bodies.

26. The Khao Manee cat “White Gem”, also known as the Diamond Eye cat, is a rare breed of cat originating in Thailand, which has an ancient ancestry tracing back hundreds of years. They are mentioned in the Tamra Maew, or Cat Book Poems. Khao Manee cats are pure white with a short, smooth, close-lying coat. They can have blue eyes, gold eyes or odd eyes with one of each colour. The odd eyed Khao Manee is the preferred variety. They are muscular, athletic cats of moderate foreign type and are reputed to be active, communicative and intelligent. The Khao Mannee was said to be kept and bred initially by Siam royals, as it was with other rare colored cats such as the Siamese.

27. The Korat is a slate blue-gray short-haired breed of domestic cat with a small to medium build and a low percentage of body fat. Its body is semi-cobby, and surprisingly heavy for its size. It is an intelligent and playful active cat that forms strong bonds with people. Among the Korats‘ distinguishing characteristics is its heart-shaped head and large green eyes. Although it is rare, Korats occasionally have striking or faint white markings or spots or even very faint gray stripes. Sometimes these spots increase in size with age. Originating in Thailand, the breed is known there as Si-Sawat, meaning “color of the sawat seed”.

28. The Lykoi is a breed of cat, a natural mutation of the domestic shorthair. It was developed in Memphis, Tennessee and is said to resemble a werewolf. The hair coat is unique in appearance in that it resembles the coat of an opossum when mostly coated. A unique characteristic of the cat breed is that the Lykoi sheds a lot of when older but regrows its hair later in life. Lykois are said to be friendly and unchallenging in their behavior. They display a high level of affection for their owners.

29. The Maine Coon is the largest domesticated breed of cat. It has a distinctive physical appearance and valuable hunting skills. It is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America. Males weigh from 15 to 25 lb (6.8 to 11.3 kg) with females weighing from 10 to 15 lb (4.5 to 6.8 kg). The height of adults can vary between 10 and 16 in (25 and 41 cm) and they can reach a length of up to 48 in (120 cm), including the tail, which can reach a length of 14 in (36 cm). Maine Coons can have any colors that other cats have. Maine Coons are known as the “gentle giants” and possess above-average intelligence, making them relatively easy to train. They are known for being loyal to their family and cautious—but not mean—around strangers, but are independent and not clingy.

30. The Manx cat is a breed of domestic cat (Felis catus) originating on the Isle of Man, with a naturally occurring mutation that shortens the tail. Many Manx have a small stub of a tail, but Manx cats are best known as being entirely tailless; this is the most distinguishing characteristic of the breed, along with elongated hind legs and a rounded head. Manx cats come in all coat colours and patterns. Manx are small to medium-sized cats, broad-chested with sloping shoulders and flat sides and in show condition are firmly muscular and lean, neither bulky nor fatty.

31. The Munchkin is a relatively new breed of cat characterized by its very short legs, which are caused by a naturally occurring genetic mutation. The Munchkin is generally described as a sweet-natured, playful, people-oriented, outgoing and intelligent cat which responds well to being handled. The shortness of their legs does not seem to interfere with their running and leaping abilities. The Munchkin comes in all coat colors and patterns. It also comes in a long-haired variety, which is shown in a separate Munchkin Longhair category. The short-haired variety has a medium-plush coat while the long-haired has a semi-long silky coat.

32. The Norwegian Forest cat or Norsk skogkatt or Norsk skaukatt is a breed of domestic cat native to Northern Europe. This natural breed is adapted to a very cold climate, with top coat of glossy, long, water-shedding hairs, and a woolly undercoat for insulation. It is a big, strong cat, similar to the American Maine Coon breed, with long legs, a bushy tail and a sturdy body. The breed is very good at climbing, since they have strong claws. The lifespan is usually 14 to 16 years. The Norwegian Forest breed is very popular in Norway and Sweden. It has been the fifth most popular cat breed in France since 2003.

33. The Ocicat is an all-domestic breed of cat which resembles a wild cat but has no wild DNA in its gene pool. The breed is unusual in that it is spotted like a wild cat but has the temperament of a domestic animal. It is named for its resemblance to the ocelot. There are twelve colors approved by most registries, tawny, chocolate and cinnamon, their dilutes, blue, lavender and fawn, and all of them with silver: black silver (ebony silver), chocolate silver, cinnamon silver, blue silver, lavender silver and fawn silver. Ocicats have almond shaped eyes and have large, strong bodies, muscular legs with dark markings, and powerful, oval shaped paws. Ocicats are friendly and sociable and are not often shy around strangers.

34. Oriental Longhair is a breed of domestic cat. It is closely related to the Oriental Shorthair. Oriental Longhairs feature a long, tubular, Oriental-style body but with a longer silky coat. The range of possible coat colours includes everything from self-coloured (black, blue, chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, caramel, fawn, red, cream and apricot), tortoiseshell, smoke (silver undercoat), shaded or tipped, tabby or white. The eyes are almond shaped. The oriental longhair is a really active cat which enjoys jumping and does it really well, without breaking any objects due to its agility and elegance. The oriental longhairs are extremely intelligent and loyal, and are ideal companions for people who like their pets always around.

35. Persian cat originates from Persia (Iran). The cats were introduced in Europe by the Phoenicians and Romans in the 1500s as highly valued items of trade. The Persian is the most popular breed of pedigree cats in the United States. A show-quality Persian has an extremely long and thick coat, short legs, a wide head with the ears set far apart, large eyes, and an extremely shortened muzzle. The Persian is generally described as a quiet cat. Typically placid in nature, it adapts quite well to apartment life. Himalayans tend to be more active due to the influence of Siamese traits. Since Persian cats have long, thick dense fur that they cannot effectively keep clean, they need regular grooming to prevent matting.

36. The Peterbald is a cat breed of Russian origin. Peterbalds have an elegantly slim graceful and muscular build. They have a narrow and long head with a straight profile, almond-shaped eyes, wedge-shaped muzzle, and big set-apart ears. They have a long whip-like tail, webbed feet and oval paws that allow them to grasp objects and open levered doorknobs. Peterbalds are sweet-tempered, affectionate, peaceful, curious, smart, and energetic. They are medium vocal and tend to follow their owners and always be with them. Peterbalds typically live in harmony with other cats and pets, and also with children.

37. The Pixie-bob is a breed of domestic cat claimed by breed founder Carol Ann Brewer of Washington State to be the progeny of naturally occurring bob cat hybrids. Pixie-bobs are said to be highly intelligent, social, active, bold, and enjoy playing with other animals. They are also known for their “chirps“, chatters, and growls; most do not meow often, and some do not meow at all. Most Pixie-bobs are highly sociable around both their owners and strangers.

38. The Ragamuffin (often spelled RagaMuffin) is a breed of domestic cat. It is a variant of the Ragdoll cat and was established as a separate breed in 1994. Ragamuffins are notable for their friendly personalities and thick, rabbitlike fur. Ragamuffins are a muscular, heavy breed of cat needing approximately four to five years to fully mature. The physical traits of the breed include a rectangular, broad-chested body with shoulders supporting a short neck. Ragamuffins come in all coat colors and patterns. The Ragamuffins are friendly, attentive and affectionate, with a tendency to go limp when held.

39. The Ragdoll is a cat breed with blue eyes and a distinct colorpoint coat. It is a large and muscular semi-longhair cat with a soft and silky coat. It is best known for its docile and placid temperament and affectionate nature. A fully-grown female weighs from 8 to 15 pounds (3.6 to 6.8 kg). Males are substantially larger, ranging from 12 to 20 pounds (5.4 to 9.1 kg) or more. Ragdolls come in 6 different colors: red, seal, chocolate and the corresponding “dilutes”, including blue, lilac, and cream. The Ragdoll may have a significantly higher number of cats that die of urinary problems, mainly from kidney/ureter issues, but also partly from lower urinary issues.

40. The Russian Blue is a cat breed that has a silver-blue coat. They are very intelligent and playful, but tend to be shy around strangers. They are also sometimes called Archangel Blues. The Russian Blue has bright green eyes, two layers of short thick fur, and a blue-grey coat. It is an intelligent, curious, and tranquil animal, which has an average life expectancy of around 15–20 years. They are a moderate-sized cat with an average weight of 3.5 to 7 kg (7.7 to 15.4 lb) when full grown. Males will typically be larger than females. Their gestation period is approximately 65 days.

41. The Savannah is a hybrid cat breed. It is a cross between a serval and a domestic cat. The coat of a Savannah should have a spotted pattern, the only pattern accepted by the TICA breed standard. The cats are commonly compared to dogs in their loyalty, and they will follow their owners around the house like a canine. Vocally, Savannahs may either chirp like their serval fathers, meow like their domestic mothers, both chirp and meow, or sometimes produce sounds which are a mixture of the two. Some Savannahs are reported to be very social and friendly with new people and other cats and dogs, while others may run and hide or revert to hissing and growling when seeing a stranger.

42. The Scottish Fold was originally called lop-eared or lops after the lop-eared rabbit, Scottish Fold became the breed’s name in 1966. The rare distinctive physical traits of the breed, combined with their reputation as unusually loving companions, make Folds highly sought-after pets. All Folds are born with straight, unfolded ears. The Scottish Fold is a medium-sized cat, with males typically reaching 4 to 6 kg (9–13 lb), females 2.7–4 kg (6–9 lb). The Fold’s entire body structure, especially the head and face, is generally rounded, and the eyes large and round. Scottish Folds can be either long- or short-haired, and they may have nearly any coat color or combination of colours (including white).

43. The Selkirk Rex is a breed of cat with highly curled hair. The Selkirk Rex is distinct from all other Rex breeds. The Selkirk Rex originated in Montana, USA in 1987, with a litter born to a rescued cat. The breed has been developed in two coat lengths, long and short. The breed is accepted in all colors, including the pointed, sepia, and mink varieties of albinism; bicolors; silver/smoke; and the chocolate and lilac series. They have a lot of the laid-back, reserved qualities of the British Shorthair, the cuddly nature of the Persian, and the playfulness of the Exotic Shorthair.

44. The Siamese cat is one of the first distinctly recognized breeds of Oriental cat. One of several breeds native to Thailand (formerly known as Siam), the Siamese cat became one of the most popular breeds in Europe and North America in the 20th century. The breed standard of the modern Siamese calls for an elongated, tubular, and muscular body and a triangular head, forming a perfect triangle from the tip of the nose to each tip of the ear. The eyes are almond-shaped and light blue, while the ears are large, wide-based, and positioned more towards the side of the head. The breed has a long neck, a slender tail, and fur that is short, glossy, fine, and adheres to the body with no undercoat. Siamese are usually very affectionate and intelligent cats, renowned for their social nature.

45. The Siberian is a landrace variety of domestic cat, present in Russia for centuries and more recently developed as a formal breed, with standards promulgated since the late 1980s. Known to be an exceptionally agile jumper, the Siberian is a strong and powerfully built cat, with strong hindquarters and large, well rounded paws. They have barreled chests and medium sized ears, broad foreheads, and stockier builds than other cats. They also have a slight arch to their body. Siberians express the three natural types of feline fur: guard hairs, awn hairs, and down. Siberian cats moult once or twice a year.

46. The Singapura is one of the smallest breeds of cats, noted for its large eyes and ears, brown ticked coat and blunt tail. A full grown female usually weighs 5–6 pounds while the male weighs 6–8 pounds. The large, slightly pointed and deep cupped ears together with the large almond-shaped eyes are characteristics of the breed. The tail is slender. The Singapura is described by the CFA as active, curious and playful. They are affectionate and desire human interaction.

47. The Sphynx is a breed of cat developed through selective breeding starting in the 1960s, known for its lack of a coat (fur), though it is not truly hairless. Though Sphynx cats lack a coat to shed or groom, they are not maintenance free. Body oils, which would normally be absorbed by the hair, tend to build up on the skin. The Sphynx hairlessness is produced by the same gene as the Devon Rex phenotype.

48. Thai is a newly classified but old cat breed, related to but distinct from the modern Western Siamese cat. This natural breed, descended from the landrace of cats of Thailand. The primary features of the Thai are that it is a point-colored (“pointed”) cat of foreign body type. It has a modified wedge shaped head, a profile with a long flat forehead and no sharp nose break or stop; has a short, flat-lying single coat and does not carry the longhair gene. The uniqueness of the Thai breed, in addition to its being a moderate-looking pointed cat, is that it has the potential to produce healthy and genetically diversified show cats.

49. Tonkinese is a domestic cat breed produced by crossbreeding between the Siamese and Burmese. Tonkinese is a medium-sized cat, considered an intermediate type between the slender, long-bodied modern Siamese and British Burmese and the more “cobby”, or substantially-built American Burmese. They are deceptively muscular and typically seem much heavier than expected when picked up. Tail and legs are slim but proportionate to the body, with distinctive oval paws. Like both parent breeds, Tonkinese is intelligent, active, vocal and generally people-oriented cat.

50. The Turkish Van is a semi-long-haired breed of domestic cat, which was developed in the United Kingdom from a selection of cats obtained from various cities of modern Turkey, especially Southeast Turkey. Breed standards allow for one or more body spots as long as there is no more than 20% colour and the cat does not give the appearance of a bicolour. A few random spots are acceptable, but they should not detract from the pattern. The rest of the cat is white. Males can reach 16 pounds (7 kg) and the females weigh about 12 to 14 lb (5 to 6 kg). They have large paws and rippling hard muscle structure which allows them to be very strong jumpers.