Even if you travel a lot it can be easy to forget some of the free amenities that are offered to you as a hotel guest. Partly this is because they might not be so upfront and mention all the freebies unless you actually ask for them. Here are some of the free things that hotels can offer if you have forgotten about it.


It’s easy to forget phone charger on a trip, but many hotels have plenty of them at the front desk. Just as easy as it is to forget a charger at home is at a hotel, so many people accidentally leave there’s behind and the hotels tend to hold onto it.

Travel Guides

You don’t necessarily need to shell out the cash for a travel book or guide for each town that you go to. Many hotels have them if you ask for it and can use it on a loan. Many people leave theirs behind when they check out and move on because they know that they won’t be using it again.

Hair Styling Heat Tools

Most hotel room have hair driers in them, but some of them have other heat styling hair tools that can be used if you just ask. This might include hair straighteners and curling irons.


Of the complimentary things left in a hotel room you are not always going to find toothpaste. Soap is standard, as is shampoo and conditioner. But if you forgot your toothpaste always call down to the front desk and ask if they have some for you before you go out and spend any money on it.

Things For Kids

Hotel rooms don’t stay stocked for kids because most travelers are not children, but they often have some things that you can use like crayons or books. Let them know that you will be traveling with children and they might actually leave some stuff in room to be there when you arrive.

Sewing Kit

Most hotel rooms have a sewing kit available to use which also contains safety pins and anything that you could need to do some simple sewing. Most people don’t travel with a needle and thread but the need for it can arise frequently if you rip something, need a small alteration or need to put a button back on.

Beach Towels

On those beach vacations most hotels have beach towels that you can use as well as regular towels. Towels take up a ton of space in bags so you don’t want to waste your whole suitcase on it, but it’s also a much better option than a normal towel for the beach.

Yoga Mat

Yoga mats are another unwieldy item that you don’t want to cart around but might need. Most hotels have some that you can use to do yoga in your room.

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