Lidice is a name of a historic village situated in the north-west of Prague, the capital of Czech Republic. It is considered to be a special symbol of Fascist despotism in the World War II. Though the Nazi history is clouded in facts, propaganda and doubts and a lot has been said and documented against and in clarification of the Nazi movement.
However, as the story goes the history of this unfortunate city of Lidice is colored with the blood of 192 men whose massacre was conducted here in 1942 by the Nazis. This all happened for taking the revenge for Reinhard Heydrich who was the deputy Reichsprotektor of the then Nazi German Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The story was never ended here as the rest of the population of Lidice was sent to Nazi concentration camps where many women and nearly all the children were also murdered.
After the war the government of Czechoslovakia (now Czech and Slovak) announced to build this village again in a peace demonstration which was held on June 10, 1945, in which the surviving women from that cursed happening participated. They were re-housed and the reconstruction was completed in 1949. Lidice was annunciated as a national cultural monument on March 30, 1962 with the intention to preserve this area as memorial for the victims.
In 1969 an academic sculptor professor Marie Uchytilová created a bronze monument of Lidice children as ‘The Memorial to the Children Victims of the War’. The whole sculpture consists of 82 bronze statues of children (42 girls and 40 boys) who were murdered at Chełmno in summer 1942. A cross with a crown of thorns indicates the mass grave of the Lidice men. There is also a museum which was built in 1962 in which the memorable Lidice picture gallery is also placed. A famous rose garden is also adjacent to this monument that was established as the consequence of an idea of a group ‘Lidice Shall Live’. It contains a huge collection of almost all species of rose collected from around the world.
Lidice is also regarded as the emblem of all war victims. This also represents the memory of the sufferings of Lezaky villagers from the acute brutality and of the Romany people in the gypsy camp of Lety.