Jacaranda Tree

Widely grown Jacaranda trees have made Pretoria, the administrative capital of South Africa, the most distinguished in the world for their prominence. That is why it is also named as Jacaranda city. Though this magnificent tree is not an indigenous to South Africa (it belongs to tropical and subtropical regions […]

Lidice Shall Live

Lidice is a name of a historic village situated in the north-west of Prague, the capital of Czech Republic. It is considered to be a special symbol of Fascist despotism in the World War II. Though the Nazi history is clouded in facts, propaganda and doubts and a lot has […]

Gardens of Alcatraz Island at San Francisco Bay

The Gardens of Alcatraz are located on the Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay, 1.5 miles from San Francisco, California. Long before these gardens were set up, the Alcatraz remained an isolated island. It was owned by Julian Workman who was acquired it from Mexican governor Pio Pico in 1846 […]

Helsinki Festival of Finland

Helsinki Festival is an annual event held in late summer in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. This unique Scandinavian event is full of music , entertainment , theater, cultural dances, visual arts, the programs for children’s delight, circus, movies and many more in which the out class performers around the world […]

Snow Leopard (Panthera Uncia) is one of the rarest specie of big cats existing in the world. It is found between 3,000 and 5,500 meters  above sea level in the high and snowy mountain ranges of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. A […]

Sindhi Rilli, Quilt Art

Pakistan is world famous for its unique handmade products. One of these is Rilli which is significant part of Sindhi culture. The women of this region possess special skills to manufacture this hand-crafted quilt called Rilli. They use fabrics of different sizes and colors to prepare a Rilli. Rilli is […]

animals topiary

Topiary is a horticultural technique of training plants, trees and bushes in to interesting shapes and sculptures. The history of topiary art dates back to the Roman Empire when Cneius Matius Calvena introduced topiary techniques to decorate Roman gardens. The art of topiary has been popular in European and English […]

Wayang Shadow Puppets Theater

On 7th November 2003, UNESCO declared traditional shadow puppet theatre, Wayang Kulit, of Indonesia as a masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The reason behind this was to preserve this unique Indonesian heritage. Wayang is an Indonesian word for theater. This is basically referred to the traditional puppet […]