Feeling like your next vacation should be of the adventure variety? There are plenty of places for that but if you need a few ideas we’ve got you covered.
Hike the Napali Coast
The Napali coast on the north shore of Kauai has a variety of hiking options for both day trips and overnight excursions. Cliffs, waterfalls, and pools add to the scenic beauty that is already evident in the area.
Hike an Active Volcano in Guatemala
Guatemala is home to the active volcano Volan Pacaya, which has multiple climb routes. One of which is climb directly up into its mouth which is a more dangerous option, or there is the less dangerous option to go around the sides. There are guides that you can hike with if you like to live on the edge but not actually dangerously. The whole place is covered in ash from an eruption in 2014 and 2010, which make for a unique photo op and a very real reminder that this thing could blow.
Outdoor Activities in Puerto Rico
San Juan Puerto Rico is a popular spot for a vacation, but just about 30 minutes away is a less busy area that’s full of fun outdoor activities. Think paddleboarding, zip lining, and kayaking. You certainly won’t run out of things to do that’s for sure.
Ride a Hot Air Balloon in Italy
In Italy’s Lazio region you can do a hot air balloon experience that is popular with honeymooners. From the air above the countryside there are views of both the Tyrrhenian Sea and Tolfa Mountains. After an hour’s trip in the air you are greeted with Prosecco and small bites that come local.
Go Fishing in Barbados
At the Colony Club resort in Barbados you basically show up and sign up for a fishing trip on a private boat during your stay. They will then teach you how to use traditional fishing methods using just a string and bait, and when you catch your fish they will then serve it up to you for dinner back at the resort. What a day.
Swim Devil’s Pool in Zambia
Over the year’s Victoria’s Falls in Zambia has had some erosion which formed new pools, one of which is Devil’s Pool. It gets its name for bascially being on the edge of a cliff. Swimming it means you’re next to that 328 foot high cliff with the flow of the water pushing past you. Not for everyone, but for those that can stomach it it’s probably one of the more interesting natural infinity pools out there.
Verry cool
I’m not that adventurous but some of these still seem doable