National bird of Brazil. by coutinhobr

The national bird of Brazil is rufous-bellied thrush which is a lovely songbird of South America is biologically known as Turdus rufiventris and it belongs to Thrush family in birds. Brazilians call it as sabiá-laranjeira in their native Portuguese language. The rufous-bellied thrush has been the state bird of Sao Paulo since 1966. This cute songbird inhabits […]

The shoebill is noted for its slow movements. Photo by pelican

5 images of the Grey Shoebill of the central tropical Africa  1- The shoebill is distributed in freshwater swamps of central tropical Africa, from southern Sudan through parts of eastern Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, western Tanzania and northern Zambia.  2- The Shoebill is a large stork-like bird and it derives its name from its massive shoe-shaped bill. […]