Bombardier beetles - Photo by oldbilluk

Article: Thor Jensen Beetles are some of the most fascinating insects, with some fairly incredible self-defense mechanisms Bombardier beetles are a subclass of more than 500 species who share the ability to eject a burning hot, acrid chemical from their posterior when they’re threatened. Bombardier Beetle, the detonating ground beetle works like […]

RED CAPPED ROBIN by birdsaspoetry

3 important facts about the Red-capped Robin 1.The Red-capped Robin (Petroica goodenovii) is a small passerine bird native to Australia. The Red- capped Robin is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. The male has a distinctive red cap and red breast, black upper parts, and a black tail […]

Spider Web - Image by bob the lomond

Spiders spin their web from silk which is pumped out from tiny nozzles at the back of the abdomen, spinnerets.As the silk is stretched by the spider into a thread it hardens and becomes proportionately stronger than steel. Some of these thread are quite sticky, while others simply support the web. […]

Japanese macaque portrait by Jean-François Chénier

The Japanese macaque is a medium-sized macaque species with an almost naked pink face which is also known to the world as Snow-Monkey. The face of the terrestrial snow-monkey is surrounded by a moderately long, yellowish-brown beard. In Japan, the species is known as Nihonzaru to distinguish it from other primates. Males weigh […]