Lovely Ears by jointcracker

Lovely Ears by jointcracker

Someone truly said “Learn to use yours ears more and your mouth less, or your reign will be shorter than I am.” Ears are also the most important organs in our body as they not only help us in hearing the sounds around but also assist in maintaining our balancing. However real lovely ears are the healthy ears. Ears might be affected through infections that can ultimately lead towards hearing loss. Here we’ve 5 good ways to prevent hearing problems for your lovely ears:

Lovely Ears - An image by eric pas d'accent
Lovely Ears – An image by eric pas d’accent

1-  Frequent or prolonged exposure to loud noises is one of the most common causes of hearing loss, despite the fact that this type of hearing loss is completely preventable.

2- Listening loud music can lead to hearing loss, sometimes as early in the age of 30’s even. One study found one in four kids age 13 to 17 are at severe risk for hearing loss due to headphone use and volume. Changing our attitudes about loud music is the first step towards reducing the risk of hearing loss.

Listening loud music can lead to hearing loss - Image by kohlmann.sascha
Listening loud music can lead to hearing loss – Image by kohlmann.sascha

3- Some people work in very noisy working environment. They must take care of their ears particularly. Make sure that the workplaces are strictly followed by the safety regulations and if the problems exist continuously, the complaints can be lodged against the employers or the concerned human resource departments at proper forums.

4- Some diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, meningitis and syphilis can also lead towards hearing problems or complete hearing loss. We must try to avoid contracting with such diseases and get our babies vaccinated properly.

Ear examination of a kid - World Bank Photo Collection
Ear examination of a kid – World Bank Photo Collection

5-  Cleaning of ears is a good thing but many people attempt to clean out their ears using cotton buds. These cotton buds simply pack earwax deeper into the ear, potentially damaging the thin, sensitive skin and negatively affecting the hearing. Most people don’t need to clean out their ears, as the ears need a certain amount of wax for protection and any excess will naturally be expelled. However, in case of suspecting any serious hearing problem, we must immediately consult with an ear-specialist.

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