Pink Lake of Western Australia
From the amazing land of the natural wonders, we bring another notable fascination whch is known to the world is as Lake Hillier or the Pink Lake of Western Australia. This incredible lake is thought to be discovered by Captain Finders in 1802, duriing his expeditions. There is no authenticity about the source of the pink colour of this amazing lake but the most reliable opinion about its distinguished colour is the existence of a dye created by the organisms like Dunaliella Salina and Halobacteria. Another supposition is that the pink colour is due to red halophilic bacteria in the salt surfaces.

The Lake Hillier or the Pink Lake of Western Australia is about 600 meters long, and is surrounded by a rim of sand and dense woodland of paperbark and eucalyptus trees. A narrow strip of sand dunes covered by vegetation separates it from the blue Southern Ocean.