Every state and town is so different even within the U.S., and so naturally some are going to have different sort of perks than others. When it comes to Alaska and Hawaii, it turns out there are two of the happiest and most fit places that you could live.

This information comes from info gathered from a new ranking from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. The survey took into account five different criteria which included: a sense of purpose, social relationships, quality of community, financial management, and physical health and energy.

The questions were worded something like this:

— Purpose (with an example question, do you like what you do each day?)

— Social (do you have loving relationships?)

— Community (do you like where you live?)

— Financial (are you managing your economic life to reduce stress?)

— Physical (how’s your health and energy?)

The other three states in the top five best states include Montana, Colorado and Wyoming, according to information gathered from a State of American Well-Being: 2015 State Rankings report.

Although this information does not mean that living in one of those happier places means that everything is great. In Alaska there were a lot of people who didn’t feel that great about their appearance, and there was also big gaps around people who had health insurance or not. Alaska also has a high rate of suicide which seems a bit counterintuitive to it being one of the best places to live. Only 12.3 of the surveyed people in Alaska said that they had experienced depression, which is pretty low compared to other places.

One reason that Alaska gets a big boost for the fitness element is that because the weather is so extreme people are used to going out in it. Where somewhere else where it only snows occasionally people might be more likely to use the snow day to relax. In Alaska the extreme weather is normal so people will be outside exercising and living their lives anyway.

And as for Hawaii it’s not surprising why that might be a happy place to live. There is that slower island lifestyle that focuses a lot on being outdoors and just enjoying the life. Hawaii has made it the number one spot five different times from 2008.

According to the survey some of the worst places to live included Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Some of those places can also get pretty snowy however, so we’re not sure how that compares to the snow in Alaska that doesn’t seem to be an issue for the people living there.

It could be said that Hawaii and Alaska happen to be very good looking states when compared to some more landlocked ones in the center of the country. Clearly the point is to live somewhere that makes you personally happy, which is going to be different for all of us.



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