princess of hope

Princess of Hope is a natural rock formation that manifests a princess looking beyond horizons (may be for hope). The sea breeze coming from the Arabian Sea has worked for many years an expert craftsman to carve this beautiful sculpture. Princess of Hope stands high in the mountain range along […]

halwa puri breakfast

You would hardly found a Lahori who is not fond of good food, and you would never found a Lahori food lover who is not a fan of  delicious Halwa Puri. Delicious Halwa Puri is a traditional Pakistani and Indian breakfast dish. It is also a favorite menu item at wedding […]

Amaltas is one of the most beautiful flowering trees of the South Asia. When in bloom, the tree bears large clusters of bright yellow flowers that shine gracefully under scorching summer sun. The tree can be found in the plains of Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Grown as ornamental as well […]